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Michigan Voters May Get a Say With Who Makes Decisions Regarding the State’s Major Energy Utilities

Photo: Brian Wells ~ USA Today Network

LANSING, Michigan, April 10, 2023 ~ Republican State Senator Jim Runestad plans on introducing a bill that would change how members of the Michigan Public Service Commission get appointed, while also creating better transparency for their practices.    

The board, which is currently appointed by the governor, oversees utility companies like DTE Energy and Consumers Energy and works with them to determine utility rates and regulatory practices.

The bill would make these board members elected officials instead of appointees, with Michigan voters deciding the make-up. It would also require utility companies to disclose information about their lobbying practices.  


April 10, 2023 ~ Republican State Senator Jim Runestad from White Lake tells Paul W. that he plans to introduce legislation intended to increase transparency and accountability for Michigan’s major utility companies. 

(CONTINUED) According to TransparencyUSA.org, a site that tracks monetary contributions and spending in state politics, the DTE Energy Company PAC donated about $50,000 between 2021 and 22 to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s campaign.

The Senate Republican Campaign Committee received $80,000 in the same time span, and the House Republican Campaign Committee, the Michigan House Democratic Fund, and the Michigan Senate Democratic Fund each received $70,000.

This bill’s introduction also follows severe ice storms in Michigan that caused power outages for many Consumers and DTE customers that lasted days or weeks.